Step 4 Life

Step 4 Life is the umbrella term for LM International's flagship initiative designed to bridge the world of academia with the vital realms of development and humanitarian efforts. Geared towards accelerating the 2030 Agenda, the programme is committed to investing in the next generation of emerging young leaders. It offers immersive experiences that equip youth with the necessary tools to make impactful contributions towards our collective global goals.

The programme has three different tracks:

TRACK 1: Academia
TRACK 2: Field Deployment
TRACK 3: Travel and Explore

Track 1: Academia

Aimed at  higher education students eager to integrate their academic pursuits with real-world applications, such as writing a thesis or undertaking a degree project together with LM International. In this track, the student will be assigned a supervisor from LM International and will have the opportunity to execute their projects on site at LM International's premises in Stockholm. 

An alternative option for this track is to do field academic deployment. Students who undertake a traineeship as part of their degree programme will have the opportunity to gain experience in development work and humanitarian aid. Some college and university programmes currently offer the opportunity to complete a 15 or 30 credit internship. From experience, we prefer a 30-credit traineeship. 

Track 2: Field Deployment

Designed for those at the early stages of their academic journey, our field deployment program offers an exciting entry point to your career with direct involvement in both development cooperation and humanitarian aid work. 

LM International is looking for those at the beginning of their career that want to make a meaningful difference in our world and are driven by faith-based humanitarian and development ideals and work. 

Applying for the Field Deployment Track means:

  • Gaining valuable field insights and understanding across the breadth of LM International’s operations.
  • Expanding your professional network and skillset alongside other trainees and experienced colleagues.
  • Giving your career a boost with a one-year or six-months trainee programme at LM International. 

Please note that this track is based on the availability of field positions.

Eligibility for the Field Deployment Programme

Anyone who fulfills the qualification requirements below can apply:

  • Hold a Bachelor's and/or Master's degree.
  • If needed possess a valid study or work permit
  • Good command of Swedish, English and preferably other languages spoken in LM International's partner countries, such as French, Swahili, Spanish and Arabic.

Programme benefits:

You will:

  • Work in a role tailored both to you and LM International’s needs; there is a great opportunity to find different roles.
  • Continuous learning opportunities.
  • Support from a supervisor in your learning and daily work.
  • Networking opportunities and the ability to secure valuable references for future career advancement. 

Track 3: Travel and explore

Aimed at inspiring young adults to experience development cooperation and humanitarian aid work for a few weeks in partnership with various organisations including youth political associations, churches, and others. Participants may need to meet specific partner requirements, such as membership in the respective organisation. 

To maximise impact, LM International collaborates with partners for this track for organisation of trips, one of which is the MAF Co-pilot pro programme.



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